Mormon to Medium
"Deep emotion can break you, or break you open. I chose the latter, and embrace my gifts" Nannette was a lifetime member of the "Mormon" church until tragedy struck her family. In 2014 her husband was violently murdered. It was that day, her heavenly gifts were cracked wide open and she began to "see". Since then, Nannette has embraced her psychic/medium abilities and burst out of the "Mormon bubble"; growing her spirituality in a whole new way. Join her as she "looks beyond the veil" and uses her gifts, understanding, and years of experience to help others navigate their own spiritual journeys.
Mormon to Medium
Ep. 79 - Back-to-School Balances
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Join Brad and Nannette on the Mormon to Medium podcast as they discuss the fascinating world of energy balancing for children. Sharing experiences about remote hosting via technology, they dive into the significance of energy work, especially for kids in today's gaming age. Nannette talks about how energy imbalance affects children's learning and behavior, and the importance of nutrition. Learn about upcoming classes that empower parents to balance their kids' energy, and hear heartwarming client stories that highlight the transformative power of the work Nannette does.
Did you know you can schedule a reading or energy balance with Nannette? All you have to do is go to this link and arrange your session. She even does remote readings and proxy balances so you're in luck if you don't live in the same area.
If you want to learn more, have questions, suggestions, or just want to say hello please contact us here. Thank you for listening and for all the love and support!
Hello and welcome. This is the Mormon to Medium podcast. I'm Brad and I am here with, well, not really here, we're actually in separate states. I'm in Georgia, Nan is at home in Utah, but I'm joined by my beautiful co host Nanette.
nannette_1_08-13-2024_174539:Hi, guys. is kind of nice, you know?
brad_1_08-13-2024_174538:Yeah. It's a little bit different. Yeah, it's weird not doing the show in the same room together. But I think that's the beauty of technology, right? We have the opportunity to do things like this that hell, just a few years ago. I remember having a telephone that had the weird squiggly cord, right? And if you wanted privacy, you pulled the cord as far as you could into the other room. Because the
nannette_1_08-13-2024_174539:Hey, you hide
brad_1_08-13-2024_174538:exactly because the main phone was like in the kitchen, right? It's weird.
nannette_1_08-13-2024_174539:Everybody heard your, your conversation.
brad_1_08-13-2024_174538:And then it was really cool when you actually had a phone that you could put in separate rooms. You're like, Oh, I got a phone jack in my bedroom.
nannette_1_08-13-2024_174539:But do you remember your phone number?
brad_1_08-13-2024_174538:do actually. Um, yeah, 7988097.
nannette_1_08-13-2024_174539:Mine was 3 7 4 8 0
nannette_1_08-13-2024_174539:0. Nice. It's not crazy how you hang on to
brad_1_08-13-2024_174538:Oh yeah, I've got all kinds of phone numbers from years gone by that I can remember, but my hell, if I meet somebody, I'm going to forget their, their name within the first 30 seconds usually. And I'm like, wait, what was your name again?
nannette_1_08-13-2024_174539:Or you're like, Nan, what's his
brad_1_08-13-2024_174538:Exactly, because you're like, uh, you're like a name savant. You're like, oh, well that's Johnny, and I know that it's Johnny because he reminds me of Johnny Lingo from the movie that I watched, because he's got the same hair and he's got a 10 wife cow.
nannette_1_08-13-2024_174539:That's how I do it, though. It
brad_1_08-13-2024_174538:I know you do. You got this big internal story for everyone you meet, and I'm like, I just don't know, honey. I can't remember.
nannette_1_08-13-2024_174539:a party. It's a party.
brad_1_08-13-2024_174538:It is. But you know what? That is part of your charm.
nannette_1_08-13-2024_174539:And thank you for the flowers today, by the
brad_1_08-13-2024_174538:Oh, you're welcome. You know what? I've got to do something to remind you of me when I'm gone, right?
nannette_1_08-13-2024_174539:Oh, you mean other than the pictures that I find on my phone all the
brad_1_08-13-2024_174538:Yeah, absolutely.
nannette_1_08-13-2024_174539:I found more!
brad_1_08-13-2024_174538:That's good. I hope you enjoyed them. Um, I hope there wasn't anything too, uh, too scary on there.
nannette_1_08-13-2024_174539:Oh, you don't want me to mention it here, do you?
brad_1_08-13-2024_174538:you know what? I, um, we talked a little bit about, Hey, what is the topic today look like? And what we came up with is one of the things that's really been hitting your business a lot lately. And that was the business of energy balances for children.
nannette_1_08-13-2024_174539:Right. Right. I'm seeing a lot
brad_1_08-13-2024_174538:Yeah, that's a big deal. And, you know, right now you got a lot of kids who are getting ready to go to school. First days of school, right? You're going to start seeing all the pictures on Instagram and Facebook. And, and, uh, it's awesome. It's exciting. And one of the things that people can do to help get their kids geared up for a new school year is get a balance from Nan, right?
nannette_1_08-13-2024_174539:Oh, I strongly, um, urge parents to do a balance for their kids for the school year or if they're, they've got a test coming up too. But what happens with kids, it's so interesting. They start to do the gaming what it does is it disconnects their brain
nannette_1_08-13-2024_174539:from everything else. And so they kind of get in a loop in their head they just, uh, Are not present. And so in order to help them to be able to properly learn, um, a balance can help them get out of that loop and get them, you know, working with their motor skills and being able to memorize things and properly learn rather than being a space cadet
brad_1_08-13-2024_174538:Well, when you say in, in a loop, what do you mean? What, what happens?
nannette_1_08-13-2024_174539:Well, I can tell you for an example, I had a six year old little boy in here and he was all over the place, like upside down on the chair and all over the floor and upside down and talking and all over the place. And he had, you know, the worms all over. He could not see still to
brad_1_08-13-2024_174538:Yeah, it was a wiggle worm, right?
nannette_1_08-13-2024_174539:like, yeah, he, she says, he's always like this. And I said, Interesting. And so he had, he had me do his family first and then he came and laid on my table I did a brain integration balance on him right off and all of a sudden he stopped wiggling I'm like, are you okay? And he goes, He goes, mom, I'm so tired. I'm like, no wonder you're so tired. You've been wiggling and wiggling and wiggling and going a hundred miles an hour. Then all of a sudden his brain kicks in and calms and he's tired.
nannette_1_08-13-2024_174539:enough, he went in the other room and my son handed him a Nintendo Game Boy. Is it a Game Boy? What's that called? Whatever it's called.
brad_1_08-13-2024_174538:A Switch!
nannette_1_08-13-2024_174539:it to
brad_1_08-13-2024_174538:It's a Switch, oh my gosh. Yeah,
nannette_1_08-13-2024_174539:it! Yeah,
brad_1_08-13-2024_174538:Game Boy, that it,
nannette_1_08-13-2024_174539:a brain fart too!
brad_1_08-13-2024_174538:well, that ages us, right? Oh yeah, Game Boy, that's
brad_1_08-13-2024_174538:bitchin I remember when Game Boys came out and I was like, oh my god, it's got Tetris? That's amazing, and you can take it anywhere? Um, I never got a Game Boy, but my little brother and sister did, um, later in life, like after I moved out. I was so jealous.
nannette_1_08-13-2024_174539:Sam, Sam, I never had one. And, um, yeah, my kids didn't even have one until they were older. So the younger Scott stuff like that, but
brad_1_08-13-2024_174538:Yeah, it's always the younger kids, right? Oh,
nannette_1_08-13-2024_174539:though, he started getting wiggly again. So it disconnected the brain again. it's super interesting and parents need to really be aware of how much gaming time their kids have and then also have the tools to be able to help them come back online with their brain so that they can learn and be more present and not be all over the place because it's frustrating for them. They don't get to sleep very well. They probably don't eat very well they're just in chaos inside. Does
brad_1_08-13-2024_174538:yeah. So when you talk about not eating very well, does like that nutrition portion come into play? As far as keeping, keeping the body, you know, all here and focused and zen. Hmm,
nannette_1_08-13-2024_174539:and energy work, you have your biochemical, which is what you eat, right? You've got your structural, so your posture, um, that's involved, and then you have your spiritual side. So all things have to be, um, in balance. It's kind of a triangle. Um, your three legged stool that you talk about
brad_1_08-13-2024_174538:right. It works for a lot of things.
nannette_1_08-13-2024_174539:know it does. It does. But, um, yeah, nutrition is really big and different meridians ask for different kinds of, um, nutrition.
nannette_1_08-13-2024_174539:the meridians the leafy greens. They love fruits and vegetables. They love their certain ones. though, if it's imbalanced, it doesn't want certain foods too. So really, really
nannette_1_08-13-2024_174539:when you're balancing anyone, including children, um, there's certain foods that are going to want to stay away from and certain fruits are going to kind of gravitate to in order to keep that meridian open and keep
brad_1_08-13-2024_174538:So what you're saying is the more spiritual I want to be, the less, the less I have to eat like I do. Like, you better eat some more salads, Bradley J. Is, is that where that, is that where that comes from? Because I've heard that a time or two.
nannette_1_08-13-2024_174539:Yeah, I tell you all the time, eat your greens.
brad_1_08-13-2024_174538:Is this just a ploy? Are you, are you just trying to get me to eat more salads by saying, Hey, your balance will be better?
nannette_1_08-13-2024_174539:Yes. You love the salads,
brad_1_08-13-2024_174538:I do occasionally. Yeah, I do. But I also love,
nannette_1_08-13-2024_174539:as long as there's
brad_1_08-13-2024_174538:Hey, I also love barbecue and pizza and
brad_1_08-13-2024_174538:all of that stuff. So as you can tell,
nannette_1_08-13-2024_174539:love it too. As you can tell, we're not, not suffering when it comes to that. But you know what? There's some, there's some foods or some meridians that like chocolate, for example. Um, it just depends on what's going on with the body. And there's a list of foods with each meridian and each thing that I balance. So I wouldn't even try to, to memorize that stuff. I have books for
nannette_1_08-13-2024_174539:but, um, with the thousands of balances that I do, um, You know, nutrition is a big part of it and kids, they need everything, every tool that they can get. the great thing is, is I'm going to be teaching classes so that parents can do this for their kids themselves. They don't have to come to me. So, or parents out there that are my clients already, they can have kids 10 and under come and see me for free. So bitch, you have to be an existing
brad_1_08-13-2024_174538:so an existing client, somebody who's come in and had a balance from you can say, Hey Nan, I've got my kiddo. Can you help them out a little bit? They're, they're not focused and you can do either remote or in person, right?
nannette_1_08-13-2024_174539:exactly. Yes. And, and I've done lots of remotes on kids. It's really cool because. For some reason, their energy just gets it like they don't need to have an in person. I love the in persons though. I love working with the littles, but, um, we can do remote just as well. And the changes still happen. So it's, it's really,
brad_1_08-13-2024_174538:Well, I think that kids, the big part of that is they don't have, um, any of those biases created yet, right? They're basically a clean slate where they go, Oh, this sounds cool. What? Tell me more, right? They still have that, you know, Peter Pan and the lost boys idea. It's not like I'm a grownup now and I can't believe in any of this. Who we, we, we bullshit I've got, you know, they're open to it.
nannette_1_08-13-2024_174539:Right, there's no stories there, there's no doubt. Which, there could be doubt, it's okay, I can teach people, you know, how their body talks
brad_1_08-13-2024_174538:Well, maybe
nannette_1_08-13-2024_174539:body has a language.
brad_1_08-13-2024_174538:I was gonna say, maybe they should doubt their doubts.
nannette_1_08-13-2024_174539:Oh my gosh, stop. Oh, you are evil.
brad_1_08-13-2024_174538:I'm sorry.
nannette_1_08-13-2024_174539:I had, I had a little eight year old, um, that came to me and she struggled with being super shy and she didn't want to be shy and she didn't make friends very easily. And, um, she, she just didn't, understand why. And when she found out that her throat chakra was blocked, um, She decided to
brad_1_08-13-2024_174538:How did she find it out?
nannette_1_08-13-2024_174539:we talked about, um, she had a balance with me and she even had her mom leave the room because I give them that option. Do you want mom to stay? Do you want mom to leave the room? And she was like, no mom leave. And, um, it was really, really of a sacred place for me to sit with her because we talked about, you know, tools that she could use in order to speak her truth, um, after we balanced her and, um, gave her tools also of different kinds of crystals and how to find out which crystals give her the right vibration in order to keep her throat
brad_1_08-13-2024_174538:Mm hmm.
nannette_1_08-13-2024_174539:And she carries them in her little
brad_1_08-13-2024_174538:That's cute.
nannette_1_08-13-2024_174539:I have seen this child. Switch and completely change from not being shy, being confident, um, speaking her truth and she just doesn't put up with people's shit anymore. Um, so know her mom knows who she is. So
brad_1_08-13-2024_174538:Her mom is a listener, right?
nannette_1_08-13-2024_174539:they're her mom is a faithful listener. Yeah.
brad_1_08-13-2024_174538:That's awesome. I love that.
nannette_1_08-13-2024_174539:I just love kids. They're, they're the best. I, they're just, yeah, it's an honor to be able to work with them.
brad_1_08-13-2024_174538:That's very cool. Well, and, and kids don't take as long, right? I mean, your balance for a child is not an hour and a half like your normal sessions, right?
nannette_1_08-13-2024_174539:No. Well, in the first session is usually an hour and a half because we fill out paperwork and a lot of times people bring in a lot of luggage, you know, they want to unpack a lot of stuff when they first get, get to me. Um, after that, they're just tune ups and they usually only will last about a half hour. A kid balances 10 to 15 minutes. Um, but like I said, mean, I don't know about you, Brad, but if you could have balanced your kids while you were growing up. were growing up because I know both of us were growing up
brad_1_08-13-2024_174538:Yeah, no kidding.
nannette_1_08-13-2024_174539:Um, if you knew how to do that, wouldn't it be so cool because I know my kids would have done better in school and I would have been a lot less
nannette_1_08-13-2024_174539:Um, it would have been so much better. Uh, so much of a better experience, I think, um, for everyone involved instead of all the frustration and, you know, Oh, your child has ADHD and when actually their brain's literally not kicking
nannette_1_08-13-2024_174539:their brain still works, but the proprioceptors in their brain are switching and, and that's what we
brad_1_08-13-2024_174538:Got it. Now, when you talk about them switching, right, um, we had a conversation, With some family members a few weeks back and they were talking about, Hey, you know, I've gone through a lot of therapy and I've done the, the shit EMDR, thank you. I I'm like
brad_1_08-13-2024_174538:DMR. I'm like, what is that? No. Yeah. EMDR. And, you know, they talked about how that is a way to get your brain left and right side to start working in sync.
brad_1_08-13-2024_174538:you are able to do that to an extent with energy balancing as well, correct? And that's what you mean when you get, talk about getting the brain firing together?
nannette_1_08-13-2024_174539:Actually, when we're doing a brain integration, we're, um, we're having the eyes go in circles and looking at straight lines and looking far away and close up and, you know, doing all the things so that the eye, the brains engaging with the The
nannette_1_08-13-2024_174539:um, everything is kicking in at the same time like it's supposed to. When we get into stress or we start gaming, for example, it kind of just goes in a loop. It's almost like zombie mode, you know, just,
nannette_1_08-13-2024_174539:and we, we do that a lot when we can't sleep. It makes us very ungrounded. And
brad_1_08-13-2024_174538:yeah, it's, it's like sitting on,
brad_1_08-13-2024_174538:for, you know, hours before you go to bed. It's hard for you to shut that down, right?
nannette_1_08-13-2024_174539:Go to bed. It's
nannette_1_08-13-2024_174539:You, the brain won't shut down and you'll actually probably dream about the stuff you're looking
brad_1_08-13-2024_174538:Right, right. Well, that happens. And in fact, we've had, you know, Tyson has told us, yeah, I gamed all night and I dream of dream. I dreamt I dreamt I dreamt about the game I was playing and I became this character in the game and like, Oh, yeah, that's what happens when you game until your eyes literally fall.
nannette_1_08-13-2024_174539:Exactly, exactly. Well, and, and back to your EMDR question, there is balances, um, that has to do with a stress balance and, um, it's an emotional stress balance and you're actually doing the EMDR work with your eyes,
nannette_1_08-13-2024_174539:and, and muscle testing. At the same time, the eyes have to go in a circle and it, what's really interesting is when you, when you set your goal affirmation, that's, you know, That's opposite of what your stress is. that's what we do. Um, you, you move the eyes in a circle and a lot of times you will cut corners on your circle and you have to keep trying to do it and then do it three times so that it's a perfect circle and then go the other way. so counterclockwise. And a lot of times the eyes won't do it if you're in a stress. So it's, it's literally making the eyes go back and forth from each hemisphere of the brain. But, um, then you have to do it with your eyes closed because that's a whole different. And so with closing your eyes and then moving your eyes around in the same circle and having it smoothly go around, it's really hard and it takes a little bit of time, um, for it to process. But once it processes, you can have a stress that's a 10 plus and have it go down to nothing or like a one or a two. So very manageable. Um, so kind of magic. The body is really cool if you know how to
brad_1_08-13-2024_174538:That really is amazing. That'd save a lot of money on like therapy bills, right?
nannette_1_08-13-2024_174539:Yes, and everyone can learn how to do it. That's the thing. We'll be teaching classes that are coming up and some of that is, some of that magic stuff is some of it, so I'm excited.
brad_1_08-13-2024_174538:it. So what you're saying is, Hey, sign up for these classes.
nannette_1_08-13-2024_174539:Watch for them on our website and listen on our podcast because we'll be announcing it. And, um, they'll be very affordable in Zoom ones. So you don't even have to come Now, if you want to do what I do and you want to learn what I do, um, we'll be doing those classes too and you'll want to come and join in. So, because you have to have certain hours, um, of actual hands on. for listening.
nannette_1_08-13-2024_174539:um, you also get CE credits if you're a massage therapist or, um,
brad_1_08-13-2024_174538:Oh, that's cool. I see. And you'd mentioned that before and it still is like, Oh, wow. You know, that, that gives a lot of credence, I think, to the work you do. Cause a lot of people don't realize that it's recognized in that type of a manner. They're just like, Oh, this is, you know, this is who we, who we, but there's more to it.
nannette_1_08-13-2024_174539:recognized too. It's around the world and it's 50 years old. So, um, really cool stuff. And the people, the founders of it are starting to get older.
brad_1_08-13-2024_174538:I am also 50 years old. It's not that old. Goddammit. That's not funny.
nannette_1_08-13-2024_174539:I know back, don't you feel so special? Touch for Health was founded in 1973.
brad_1_08-13-2024_174538:Woohoo. Yeah, but I'm just pointing out when you're like, yeah, this has been around for a long time. Look at this old son of a bitch. You know what I mean?
nannette_1_08-13-2024_174539:Hey baby, I, I'm still
brad_1_08-13-2024_174538:exactly. So yeah, like, give me some grace.
nannette_1_08-13-2024_174539:You have lots of
brad_1_08-13-2024_174538:Yeah, lots of grays,
brad_1_08-13-2024_174538:not grace.
nannette_1_08-13-2024_174539:grace. That's what happens when you marry an old lady.
brad_1_08-13-2024_174538:Oh boy. Well, you know what? You're not that old yet either. And you definitely don't act or look your age. So don't worry about it.
nannette_1_08-13-2024_174539:Thank you. Are you saying I'm immature?
brad_1_08-13-2024_174538:Sometimes, absolutely. And we both know it. So don't try and deny it.
nannette_1_08-13-2024_174539:Hey, I gotta tell you
nannette_1_08-13-2024_174539:Um, My clients, I have the coolest clients. This week I have like six brand new clients, which is really
brad_1_08-13-2024_174538:That is cool.
nannette_1_08-13-2024_174539:They all found me intuitively, um, so they either just popped up in Instagram because they prayed for someone, um, to help them or it came up on Google and, and again, they intuitively were like, God, I need help and I need to know what I'm supposed to do because I'm super stuck type of thing. And that's how they found me. And it's so cool to me because that's what I pray for is that the right people find me that I can help and that I can help empower them to do their own work. So I have the best clients. I just have to shout out to all of them. They are the best. They do their work. They're badass and they're empowered and amazing. And no matter where they're at in their. Religious journey, their spiritual journey is a sacred one. And, um, you can be, you can still believe what you want to religiously, but spiritually we're all the same.
brad_1_08-13-2024_174538:I love that. I love that. They're, they're finding you that way. They're like, Hey, I need some help. And then it's like, Oh my God, look at this website. Who's this person? This Nanette, what is she?
brad_1_08-13-2024_174538:is really cool. Seriously. I love hearing that.
nannette_1_08-13-2024_174539:Yeah. I I'm hearing that a lot, a lot.
brad_1_08-13-2024_174538:So when people are looking to discover what they need intuitively like that, what would you recommend them to do? Are there steps? I mean, how do they do it? Is it literally just like, please universe help me? I mean, what do you do?
nannette_1_08-13-2024_174539:I think a lot of people, um, have done that have just been like, you know, I feel stuck. I feel sad. I feel depressed. I feel I'm not going anywhere. I'm not living my purpose. I don't know what to do, but I feel like I'm more than this.
nannette_1_08-13-2024_174539:does get people feeling a little down and blue about themselves. And so they just ask the universe, send me back. To the right person. And I'm not everybody's cup of tea. I know that, but I also know that I'm really picky on who I work on. And I have the best people come to me. They're just, they're amazing. Our experiences are amazing. Um, I just stand in sacred awe of this work and of them and they're badassery to show up for themselves because this work isn't easy, it's probably the most important work you would do in
brad_1_08-13-2024_174538:yeah, it's definitely not easy. And that's, that's I think a mistake that a lot of people get into is they're like, Oh, I'm going to go to Nan and she's going to fix me. But you're not fixing anyone.
nannette_1_08-13-2024_174539:not me. Nope. Nope. I'm a damn good energy worker. Um, it's your body that
nannette_1_08-13-2024_174539:And it, is, is it okay if I have you share, um, what happened with your pain after your
nannette_1_08-13-2024_174539:Cool. Do tell. Woohoo!
brad_1_08-13-2024_174538:obviously. And I can get some, I can get some, exactly. I can get some freebie balances once in a while, uh, when she's not too busy. And, uh, you know, I, I had, uh, a minor, uh, procedure done where, you know, they decided, look, uh, your belly button's not supposed to stick out like this. That's a hernia. I was like, Oh yeah, no shit. It's uncomfortable. Let's fix this. And, uh, so afterwards it was, you know, it was painful for a week or so. And Nan was kind enough to, um, do some balances with me and, Um, it was, again, I don't ever understand how this stuff works, but she balanced me. I was at a very high pain level. She went through all of the, the movements and talk to my body and helped move the energy. And when she was done, I was like. That is night and day. It was, it went from like, I just want to go cry to this is extremely tolerable and I feel like I can move around again. It was really amazing. I, I still, like I said, I don't understand how it works or what is amazing about it that does this, but it, it works.
nannette_1_08-13-2024_174539:I, I, I got to tell you, I answer your question too, um, I have a nine different techniques to control pain, nine, and the one that I,
nannette_1_08-13-2024_174539:nine, five, nine,
brad_1_08-13-2024_174538:Thank you. Bonnie
nannette_1_08-13-2024_174539:we won't tell you whose garage that belongs to.
brad_1_08-13-2024_174538:Oh, too late. Uh, She's not gonna appreciate that. She's already, yeah.
nannette_1_08-13-2024_174539:okay. Oh my gosh. That cracked me up. What I did to you, do you remember I just held your, I pain tapped you? I need, do you remember? Um, you said that you felt the energy go
brad_1_08-13-2024_174538:Mm-Hmm. Yeah. You were, you were touching my feet.
nannette_1_08-13-2024_174539:up past your belly button. Your ankles, yeah, And it was going
nannette_1_08-13-2024_174539:your belly button and you could feel it, and you said that was the wildest thing ever. But your meridians, um, for your stomach, um, go from the bottoms, or the top parts of your feet, all the way up your legs, on each side of your belly button, and up to your ankles. So, um, when you're tapping the end of the meridian, it shoots energy up
nannette_1_08-13-2024_174539:and it actually will take the, the pain out of a broken bone. I'm not saying don't go to the emergency room. I'm just saying that's the kind of pain that it will take
brad_1_08-13-2024_174538:yeah, it definitely helps. It really was weird. I'm like, Whoa, what, what is this? And, uh, yeah, it did. I, you were playing with my feet and I felt it in my stomach. So it was a burning in my booze. I'm miss Nan. So on that note, on that note, Yeah, I think that, uh, it's important again to emphasize to people that if you're looking for something, you want to try and manifest something, like be specific. Be grateful for what you have, but be specific what you want and where you want to be and what you want to get from that. And it sure makes things come together a lot better, right? Because the universe is going to take you very literally. And if you say, I want a new car, um, you might want to be specific how you get that. Um,
nannette_1_08-13-2024_174539:Yeah. Cause you might
brad_1_08-13-2024_174538:exactly like
brad_1_08-13-2024_174538:Talia. She was, I want a new car forever. And the next thing you know, she gets in a crash. Fortunately, she wasn't injured, but She ended up getting another car as a result of that so make sure you're specific and very frequently detailed specific
nannette_1_08-13-2024_174539:Like I was with you. got exactly what I wanted in hot
brad_1_08-13-2024_174538:You know, it still shocks me that you would sketch out exactly what you wanted and it was me I am I am always
nannette_1_08-13-2024_174539:way down to the bald
brad_1_08-13-2024_174538:Look, I'm always going to wonder, is this like that comedian says he's walking along, you know, my wife says that she, she did all of this and manifested me through all this. And now I always have to wonder, did I fall in love with her because I love her? Did I fall in love with her because of some voodoo, weird bullshit magic spell? I don't know.
brad_1_08-13-2024_174538:It might be some of both, but, uh, most likely it's some sort of a magic spell.
brad_1_08-13-2024_174538:But I'll never really know for sure.
nannette_1_08-13-2024_174539:I'm really an old, old, old 90 year old
brad_1_08-13-2024_174538:Oh my gosh, like, like the
nannette_1_08-13-2024_174539:you just have these beer goggles on.
brad_1_08-13-2024_174538:It's like the Red Woman on Game of Thrones, right?
nannette_1_08-13-2024_174539:know! Oh, I know!
brad_1_08-13-2024_174538:You're like, oh.
nannette_1_08-13-2024_174539:By the way, you need to get your butt home so we can
brad_1_08-13-2024_174538:Yeah, it's it's time, right? It's funny because a Game of Thrones reference came up in my training today and I'm like, oh my god My wife and I are re watching that whole show. Yeah. No, I'm dead serious. It
nannette_1_08-13-2024_174539:What was
brad_1_08-13-2024_174538:shame shame Shame! Yeah, I'm like, we literally watched that episode last week. Just a couple of days ago.
nannette_1_08-13-2024_174539:Poor Circe.
brad_1_08-13-2024_174538:Oh, yeah. Poor Cersei. Um, yeah. Anyway, that was that was weird. I was like, wait a minute. You're talking about that. We just watched it. So,
nannette_1_08-13-2024_174539:Well, and on our mini crossword too,
brad_1_08-13-2024_174538:A raven. Raven.
nannette_1_08-13-2024_174539:Yeah. Yeah.
nannette_1_08-13-2024_174539:I know we're so
brad_1_08-13-2024_174538:Right. Yeah, thank you for, uh, for putting up with that and letting us just ramble folks. Um, I do want to ask you Nan, do you have any closing remarks you want to tell everyone or any words of wisdom?
nannette_1_08-13-2024_174539:You know, with everything
brad_1_08-13-2024_174538:I don't know if everyone saw that or not, but there's a video for this. No, you got a little light bulb that appeared over your head. I was like, huh, she's just figured out what she's going to say.
nannette_1_08-13-2024_174539:Stop it.
brad_1_08-13-2024_174538:totally see it. In fact, I think you rolled your eyes up and looked at it. You're like, huh?
nannette_1_08-13-2024_174539:Okay, but now I forgot what I was going to say. No, I didn't. Um, everything going on in the world right now, um, all of the fear, all of the fighting, Everything. Just remember to not be reactive, come from a place of inside out, come from a place of peace and love on the inside of you and approach anything that you're going to do with that piece. And, um, you'll get truth that way to, um, kind of feel it right in your chest and in your gut and your solar plexus
nannette_1_08-13-2024_174539:true or if it's not, but really tap into that, um, because we have a lot of confusion out there, a lot of dishonest things happening. And so you really need to pay attention and really, really get in tune with yourself and check in, calm your brain and listen to your beautiful heart.
brad_1_08-13-2024_174538:Yeah, I absolutely agree with that. And I think when you are talking to other people, remember, everyone has their own perspective and their own life history that creates that perspective, right? Um, it's that, that whole Ted Lasso thing, you know, be curious, not judgmental.
brad_1_08-13-2024_174538:And on that,
nannette_1_08-13-2024_174539:It's my favorite
brad_1_08-13-2024_174538:exactly. It's wonderful. And on that note, we'll see you.
nannette_1_08-13-2024_174539:the other side
brad_1_08-13-2024_174538:Thanks everyone. And stop.